
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

time to go

a confusing evening yesterday at the Bethnal Green Working Men's Club Art Quiz. the camelhair trenchcoated quizmaster(against the backdrop of a giant broken 'heart' of pink lightbulbs) drilled us with questions such as 'what artist am i thinking of?', 'name three of the seven easy pieces', and 'the films of ingmar bergman: mostly a) horse b) bird or c) muffin?' (it is, incidentally, bird), plus a few easy ones such as what the range of HMS Belfast's guns is, and what they are pointed at (we didin't know the answer, obviously, because unlike the other questions it had nothing to do with Art).

Roman Imperialist Country Club: rocked my flat on Sunday, competing with the storm of fireworks in the surrounding streets for attention from the neighbours, but benefitting from the dry ice-like haze lying all around for glamour. New track pretty much done - must find way to post the recording... i smell MySpace upwind. More later.

Malawi: I am going there on Friday, so help me, with the World Medical Fund. Should you, dear reader, wish to help support them please visit their website (once the server is up and running again!), where I believe you will find details about donation!
Go to!


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